President Claudia Sheinbaum enjoys strong public approval

A study by QM and HMG reveals 72% believe she will be a good president

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 23OCTUBRE2024.- Claudia Sheinbaum, presidenta constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, encabezó la conferencia "La Mañanera del Pueblo", realizada en el Salón de Tesorería en Palacio Nacional. FOTO: GRACIELA LÓPEZ/CUARTOSCURO.COM

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Nearly a month into her administration, most citizens hold a positive view of President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, with many confident she will be an effective leader, according to a survey by QM Estudios de Opinión, in partnership with Heraldo Media Group.


In response to the question, “Regarding President Claudia Sheinbaum, what is your opinion of her: very good, good, bad, or bad?” 25% of respondents said “very good,” while 45% answered “good,” totaling 70% approval. Additionally, 10% said “neither good nor bad,” 4% responded “bad,” another 4% said “very bad,” 2% had “no opinion,” and 10% chose “don’t know/didn’t answer.”

This telephone survey, which included 800 effective responses, also gauged public sentiment about Sheinbaum’s potential as president. When asked, “Regardless of who you voted for, how do you think Claudia Sheinbaum will perform as president?” 72% answered she would be a “good president,” 10% believed she would be “a bad president,” 9% said “neither good nor bad,” and 9% were undecided or did not respond.

At the ballot box

  1. President Sheinbaum won the election with over 35 million votes.
  2. This represents 59.75% of the total votes cast.
  3. She took office on October 1, marking her as Mexico’s first female president.
  4. She has already outlined 100 commitments for her administration.
  5. In her early days in office, Sheinbaum introduced significant social initiatives, including creating 330,000 new spots for higher education students and constitutional reforms to protect and expand women’s rights.

Nota publicada originalmente en El Heraldo de México.

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