More Efficient Consulates: Fewer Procedures and Faster Service
Digitalization and Simplification to Begin with Civil Registry Services
The process of digitizing and simplifying procedures for Mexicans living abroad in consular offices is already underway.
José Antonio Peña Merino, head of Mexico’s Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency, confirmed that the objective is to decrease procedures from 59 to 45, digitize 80%, and achieve prompt resolution times.
The most prevalent procedures involve the civil registry, including birth, marriage, and death certificates. The official schedule indicates that these may be streamlined by 2024. Additionally, other services, such as passport issuance, consular ID, appointment systems, document validation, and a consolidated digital service window, are anticipated to be introduced by 2025.
Peña Merino assured that the number of requirements for passport services will be reduced by half, with document validation happening before the appointment, resulting in a significantly faster and more streamlined process.
Additional standard procedures related to entities such as Infonavit and IMSS are also under consideration. “This project is genuinely comprehensive and significantly advanced,” Peña Merino noted.
The information was presented during Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s morning press conference. Pardo reiterated that digitalization’s primary goals are to simplify citizens’ lives and eliminate corruption at service windows, benefiting all Mexicans, both domestically and abroad.
Other projects announced by the Digital Transformation Agency include a digital identity mechanism that guarantees single access to all government platforms, known as “Llave MX,” which aims to integrate 100% of procedures by 2026; the Mexican Space Program; the Welfare Care Center (CABI) through a unique number; the National Cybersecurity Plan; and the Federal Simplification Program.
“There are over seven thousand federal procedures that we want to reduce by half in terms of the number of procedures, requirements, and resolution time, aiming for at least 80% of frequently used services to be digitized,” Peña emphasized.
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