Seven actions for Mexico to achieve greater investments: BBVA
Mexico needs to invest at least 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if it wants to overcome the growth inertia of 2 percent and rise to the 10th position among the world's largest economies, said Eduardo Osuna Osuna, vice president and CEO of BBVA Mexico. He pointed out that currently the Mexican economy ranks 13th among the largest globally.
While Osuna said nearshoring and foreign investment are very important because they transform value chains and bring technologies, "the main challenge we have to achieve in Mexico is to have a 25 percent public-private investment relative to Gross Domestic Product, in order to break the inertia of this country's 2 percent growth."
To achieve this investment, seven main points have been identified, which if executed could almost guarantee that this level would be achieved, Eduardo Osuna stated before 400 entrepreneurs at the BBVA 2024 National Meeting of Regional Directors, including Angel Mieres Zimmermann, Executive President of Grupo Andrade and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Heraldo Media Group.
The seven points are:
1. Promote renewable energies and improve water management.
2. Trigger infrastructure projects, especially logistics.
3. Promote education and human capital development.
4. Encourage the labor inclusion of women.
5. Promote public-private partnerships in water and logistics as well as in renewable energy.
At this point, he emphasized, "because there is no fiscal space to make the investment that Mexico requires to unlock all these bottlenecks."
6. Combat informality and cash handling.
7. Advance in security and the rule of law.
"If we do these seven things, we can achieve that 25 percent and move from the 13th economy to the 10th," he emphasized.
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