In Full: Alicia Bárcena Ibarra
She sees her role as head of Semarnat as recognition of her career in the environment, ecology, and sustainable development, due to her training as a biologist.
72 years old / Born on March 5, 1952 / Bachelor's degree in Biology from UNAM with a Master's in Public Administration from Harvard University / Master's in Ecology / Holds three honorary doctorates from the University of Oslo, Norway; the University of Havana, Cuba; and from UNAM / In Mexico (1988-1989), she was the general director of the National Institute of Fisheries and was the first woman in the Subsecretariat of Ecology (1982-1988) / From 1989 to 1991, she served as director of the National Institute of Fisheries / In 2022, she served as Mexico's ambassador to Chile / In 2023, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador appointed her as Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
- Her physical build is endomorphic. These are individuals with a solid, naturally strong physique. She is not a woman who reflects fragility and possesses a projective yet contained energy.
- With a medium-deep voice tone, through her experience on the microphone, she maintains a dialogue with optimal metrics and rhythm.
- She speaks in a measured manner and has improvisational skills. Her naso-oral voice highlights modulations.
- She is conservative, structured in her dressing with formal combinations, with a wide color palette trending towards white. She uses pashminas as a trademark.
- With discreet accessories, she likes pearls in necklaces without falling into ostentatious jewelry. Her genotype is rectangular, and she has a defined posture.
- Although her image design is consistent, it tends towards the conservative, using neutral colors and traditional makeup style.
- Her hair tone stands out, tinted light with brown tendencies.
Due to her training and career, there are great expectations for her next role; water will be a priority topic.
She sees her role as head of Semarnat as recognition of her career in the environment, ecology, and sustainable development, due to her training as a biologist.
The continuity she will maintain in the Government of Mexico, first in that of López Obrador and now in that of Claudia Sheinbaum, due to her closeness with the first president, experience, and career.
• She has 77,800 followers on her X account: @aliciabarcena, having posted 9,784 times.
• She is very active on this social network, mainly addressing all kinds of issues related to her diplomatic work, but also shares actions of the President and feminist topics. Occasionally, she tweets something personal.
• She does not have Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube channel accounts.
Her sober and scandal-free career, along with her prestige in the environmentalist field, could yield good results in her management.
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