Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to break the limited access for women to higher ranks in diplomacy
For the first time, the Mexican Foreign Service will grant a higher percentage of positions to women
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) of the Mexican government recognized that as they advance in their diplomatic careers, women face limited access to higher ranks. Therefore, to promote gender parity in entry and promotion within the Mexican Foreign Service, for the first time in this year's promotion competition, an affirmative action will be established to grant a higher percentage of positions to women, amounting to 60% per rank.
On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Diplomacy, established by the United Nations every June 24 to promote their full participation at all levels of decision-making in global diplomacy, the SRE acknowledged that there is still disparity between women and men in the Mexican Foreign Service (MFS).
However, it emphasized that in 2020, Mexico became the first country in the global south to formally adopt a Feminist Foreign Policy to strengthen the mainstreaming of gender perspective, human rights, and intersectionality in all dimensions of Mexican foreign policy.
"Mexico promotes substantive equality and has maintained international leadership in this area; therefore, our country will host the III Ministerial Conference on Feminist Foreign Policies, which will be held from July 1 to 3," it stated in a communiqué.
It noted that women have played a fundamental role in advancing the objectives, interests, and defense of the principles of Mexican foreign policy; through their diplomatic work, especially the members of the Mexican Foreign Service, our country has strengthened international governance by promoting gender equality and the human rights of women, youth, and girls.
Mexico's tradition as a promoter of women's rights in the international arena also includes actions such as:
- Participation in the creation of mechanisms such as the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN Women, and the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention.
- During the negotiations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Mexico promoted the mainstreaming of gender perspective in all objectives.
- In the UN Human Rights Council, Mexico promotes a resolution on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls; and has advocated for this approach in various areas such as peace and security, climate change, biodiversity, and foreign trade.
- Mexico, together with France, promoted the Generation Equality Forum in 2021, establishing feminist leadership as a fundamental principle for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Through the SRE, the Mexican government reaffirmed its commitment to substantive equality and the empowerment of women in diplomacy, recognizing their invaluable contribution to sustainable development and democracy.
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