In June, the border is filled with books
Ciudad Juárez prepares for the eighth edition of the Book Fair with more than 100 free activities and offerings for all audiences
The eighth edition of the Border Book Fair (FELIF) will occur from June 21 to 30 in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, under the theme "Poetry and Dissidences." It will feature more than 100 activities and the presence of authors, activists, journalists, and illustrators such as Agustín Monsreal, Paz Alicia Garciadiego, Dahlia de la Cerda, Mariana H, Balam Rodrigo, Sergio Arau, Javier Sicilia, Luna Miguel, and Juan Gedovius.
According to the organizers, the book fair invites visitors to reflect on enjoying life in harmony, respect for others, forced migrations, violence, and global disagreements.
Karina Murillo, head of the Department of Cultural Development and Coordinator of FELIF, explained in an interview that the literary festival also aims to reach new audiences. Therefore, it will offer the first Slam Poetry (performance poetry competition) and the first pavilion dedicated to rare editions.
"It is an edition with a lot of diversity. We will have activities related to noir fiction, the second meeting of detective fiction, and the creation of different pavilions such as the alternative one, which presents new releases from publishers working on self-publishing," she explained.
FELIF is a free event open to the public. It aims to promote the habit of reading and recognize cultural diversity. This edition will also feature a meeting of Noir Literature and Detective Fiction.
This time, the event will be held at the Injectronic Convention Center (CCI), at Av. A. J. Bermúdez 2050, Bermúdez, 32470 Juárez, Chihuahua. For more information about the program, visit HERE.
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