President López Obrador showcases achievements six years after his election victory
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated that Monday, July 1, marks six years since his electoral victory, coinciding with the distribution of the first pensions under the welfare program. In his morning press conference, he emphasized the presence of retired workers.
"Today is a very important day for us because six years ago, our movement triumphed. The people chose us to hold the Presidency of the Republic six years ago," he emphasized, reaffirming his unwavering commitment to the people.
He highlighted that the Welfare Pension Fund is being launched this Monday, a supplement to ensure that workers receive 100% of their salary upon retirement. "It's that simple to explain because, during the neoliberal period, reforms were made so that workers would not receive their full salary upon retirement.
They will now explain that, with the reforms made during the administrations of Ernesto Zedillo and Felipe Calderón for workers in sections A and B, workers would receive only 30% of their last salary," he said.
President López Obrador noted that his government approved a reform to increase the retirement benefits to 60%. "But there was still the remaining 40%, which we are now resolving from today so that workers receive 100% of their salary. This is a very significant achievement, and all public servants are here to inform you," he explained.
AMLO Highlights the Achievements of the 4T
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador underscored the progress made by the Fourth Transformation during his six years as head of state. In Monday's press conference, he highlighted how the people voted to continue the movement he led a month ago by electing the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.
"After frauds and several attempts, the transformation movement triumphed, and we reached the Presidency of the Republic. Today, we are delighted because a month ago, we triumphed again, reaffirming the people's support for the continuation of the transformation," he said.
He pointed out that the government's achievements have been monumental, aiming to defeat the neoliberal regime that had governed Mexico for the past 36 years. "We fought corruption like never before, which was the main problem in our country and only benefited a few. This fight has allowed us to free up many funds that belong to the people," he said.
López Obrador highlighted salary increases, employment growth, the stable value of the peso, and a reduction in poverty. However, he acknowledged that there is still much to improve.
López Obrador expressed confidence in leaving the presidency, as it will be succeeded by an experienced, honest woman full of convictions, ensuring no setbacks in the country's development.
Presenting graphs illustrating the progress made in the past six years, the president showed how Morena has gradually gained ground in the Chamber of Deputies and Senators and in various governorships and how women have propelled the Fourth Transformation forward.
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