Housing, Education, Culture, and Sports: Priorities for Claudia Sheinbaum for Mexican Youth

The virtual president-elect has committed to creating a government for and by the youth.


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"My commitment is that we will govern with you, for you, and by you," assured the virtual President-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, addressing young people from all over Mexico. She reiterated that access to housing for young people would be a priority in her administration.


"We will make access to housing a true right for young people. We are already working on the 2025 budget and allocating a portion of that budget to the construction of affordable housing for young people. This includes two programs: the Infonavit housing program and the housing program for young people without access to social security," she announced.

"Los Jóvenes Unen a México": A New Program by Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo reminded everyone that the 4T project aims to guarantee access to rights previously considered privileges, particularly for young people. She also emphasized that higher education, health, culture, and sports will become a reality for all young people, thanks to new programs such as "Los Jóvenes Unen a México," which will provide an alternative for all youth.

The virtual president pointed out that her government will always keep its doors open to young people so that no young person has to choose a violent path or be tempted to join a criminal group.



The Awakening of the Youth Chose a New Model of Government: Sheinbaum

In a meeting with young people from across the country, Claudia Sheinbaum urged them to continue building the second phase of the Fourth Transformation.


"What do I ask of you? That we continue building together the future of our homeland (...) Having a woman in the presidency in 2024 is also part of the revolution of consciousness, transformation, and humanism: Mexican Humanism is our history, but it is also our future and destiny. That's why I ask you to continue building the Fourth Transformation of public life, for young and old to unite in continuing to build this wonderful homeland called Mexico," she invited.

She assured that Transformation's victory in 2018 and 2024 would not have been possible without the awakening of young people who chose a new model of government and left behind the neoliberal model characterized by privileges and corruption.

The future president of Mexico stated that, at that moment in history, young people took the country's destiny into their own hands so that they would never again be labeled as "ninis" (neither working nor studying) or rejected.

Decalogue for the Construction of a Presidency by and for Youth

Young people from all over the country presented the Decalogue for the Construction of a Presidency by and for Youth, while also expressing their feelings about the arrival of the first female president.

Abraham Carro, national youth liaison, stated that the June 2 results reflect that young people support the Fourth Transformation and Claudia Sheinbaum, "who in a week will become the first constitutional president in the history of our country."

Meanwhile, Karla Cuo, a feminist activist from Yucatán, pointed out that "today, each of us has a commitment to Mexico, and under the visionary leadership of Mexico's first female President, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, we will ensure that youth have access to health with a comprehensive and inclusive approach, considering our mental, emotional, and nutritional health, and guaranteeing our sexual and reproductive rights."

Similarly, Izcalli Fuentes from Nayarit added, "At the polls, the majority of young people in this country chose Transformation because we are the ideas of the future, and we feel represented in the national project led by our now president-elect."

From Chihuahua, Edín Estrada asked the virtual president-elect to call upon the new generations. "We want to see across the country what Mexico City has shown us is possible. All the young people of Mexico can proudly and excitedly say: Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, the first President of the United Mexican States, call upon us; the youth will never fail our President."

Finally, Eva Larraga from Jóvenes por la Primera added, "Today, the homeland calls us to follow a better destiny for everyone in this country. Youth will never again be criminalized because today we reaffirm the commitment to build a nation where we can enjoy a life free of violence," she concluded.

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