FROM THE OUTSIDE: Unexpected outcomes?
The next president of the United States, Donald Trump, could sign actions that represent challenges or contradictions, even for his country
Among the many executive orders expected to be signed by President Donald Trump during his inauguration, some may present challenges or contradictions.
The best example might be his expressed intention to classify Mexican drug cartels as “terrorist organizations.”
This concept has faced criticism in Mexico due to its negative connotations. However, if it materializes, one should approach it lightly—perhaps even with humor—considering its unforeseen consequences.
The reality is that issuing such a declaration would make those who partner with these cartels accomplices to terrorism, thereby exposing them to prosecution by U.S. federal authorities.
While this poses risks for some in Mexico, this declaration could also turn Donald Trump’s administration into an unexpected opponent of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and, interestingly, an unintentional ally in the lawsuit that the Mexican government has filed against arms manufacturers.
This is because most of the weapons used by cartels and their small armies are obtained in the United States.
Consider the reaction of the thousands of gun dealers who could suddenly be labeled as accomplices to terrorism in border states with Mexico—states that benefit the most from the direct or indirect trafficking of firearms to cartels, including everything from pistols to .50-caliber machine guns, automatic rifles, and more.
Certainly, U.S. laws are often interpreted—or reinterpreted—by skilled attorneys who often discover unexpected loopholes or legal precedents that can effectively nullify them.
However, arms trafficking from the United States to Mexico is not a new issue. The U.S. has been a major supplier of weapons since the Mexican Revolution and remains the primary source of both legal and illegal firearms today.
Over 30 years ago, documents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) disclosed smuggling operations into Mexico that displayed “ant-like” behavior. This problem arose not only from the abundance of gun shops in states like Texas, where gun shows frequently highlight private sales with minimal oversight.
This neglects the trade in stolen firearms, the ability to construct automatic rifles or pistols from what could be viewed as spare parts, and the “production” of weapons using 3D printers.
It has been 14 years since the scandal surrounding “Operation Fast and Furious” emerged—a botched investigation by the ATF’s Phoenix office that aimed to expose a gun trafficking network from Arizona to Mexican cartels. Instead, it provided them with 2,000 assorted weapons and underscored the investigators’ incompetence.
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