President Claudia Sheinbaum presents Plan Mexico, which contemplates an investment portafolio of 277 billion dollars

“Mexico has a plan and is united moving forward, President Claudia Sheinbaum explained. She reported that it already has a portfolio of national and foreign investments of 277 billion dollars in 2,000 projects

President Claudia Sheinbaum presents Plan Mexico, which contemplates an investment portafolio of 277 billion dollars
Claudia Sheinbaum presented "Plan Mexico". Credit: Presidency of Mexico.

President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo presented Plan Mexico, a vision of the present and the future that visualizes the country’s national development. The Plan contemplates 13 goals whose objective is to make Mexico the best country in the world by reducing poverty and inequality. It contemplates an investment portfolio, with domestic and foreign capital, of 277 billion dollars.


“The goal is to continue making Mexico the best country in the world. Our country is a cultural power and our objective is to reduce poverty and inequality. But we want to ensure that each and every Mexican knows that there is a plan, that there is development, that in the face of any uncertainty that may arise in the near future, Mexico has a plan and is united heading towards the future,” Sheinbaum emphasized, speaking at the National Museum of Anthropology.

The 277 billion dollars in investments that the Plan seeks to attract to Mexico will involve about 2,000 projects of specific companies seeking to set up shop in the country, the President continued.

In the event, attended by the country’s private sector, the President pointed out that the goals of Plan Mexico are ambitious, clear, and long term, defining where we want to go. In this endeavor, there will be coordination between the public and private sectors.


“What we are jointly seeking is to have a long-term vision for our country, even beyond our six-year term presidential administration,” she said.

Sheinbaum shared Plan Mexico’s goals, which are:


  1. To go from being the world’s 12th largest economy to the 10th.
  2. To raise the percentage of investment with respect to GDP to over 25%.
  3. To generate 1.5 million more jobs.
  4. To guarantee that 50 percent of domestic supply and consumption will be “made in Mexico” in the textile, footwear, furniture, and toy sectors.
  5. To increase domestic content by 15%.
  6. For 50 percent of public purchases to correspond to domestic production.
  7. To have vaccines made in Mexico
  8. To reduce the amount of time in paperwork procedures for investing in Mexico from more than two and a half years to one year as of when the proposal was first submitted.
  9. To increase the number of professionals and technicians by 150,000 per year, in addition to those already being trained.
  10. To boost business environmental sustainability.
  11. To have 30% of SMEs with access to financing.
  12. To become one of the five most visited countries in the world.
  13. To reduce poverty and inequality

“For each one of the country’s 32 states there is a plan, there is a project, there are goals and the objective is that all of us be part of the construction of this Plan Mexico,” Sheinbaum explained.

She reported that there is a calendar from January to April 2025 in which actions and their respective dates are defined:

  • Starting January 15, there will be a monthly roundtable discussion to track the progress of the private investment portfolio and 100 industrial parks.
  • From January 6 to 15, work will begin among companies, universities, and the Mexican Government on strategic technological and scientific development projects.
  • On January 17, the Decree for Company Nearshoring in Mexico will be issued with more ambitious goals. In addition, the draft National Law for the Simplification and Digitalization of Paperwork Procedures will be presented to the Mexican Congress.
  • From January 20 to 24, the working groups for the development of supply in Mexico will begin their deliberations. They will discuss what to import by sector and what to produce in Mexico, as well as fiscal incentives.
  • From February 3 to 7, the development bank fund for small and medium-sized companies will be launched, as well as the rules for in-house energy consumption with the goal of increasing it to 27,000 megawatts during the current presidential administration, of which 54 percent will be generated by the Federal Electricity Commission and the rest by private companies based on clear rules.
  • From February 17 to 21, the “Made in Mexico” brand will be re-launched; there will also be mixed investment schemas for infrastructure projects and the collaboration network for technical, curricular, and continuous training in middle and high school education will be created.
  • From February 24 to 28, a decree will be published that includes at least one Well-Being Pole in strategic sectors per industrial corridor. In addition, the IMMEX 4.0 program will be created.
  • On April 18-19, the agreement between the Banco de México, the Bank Association of Mexico and the Federal Government will be signed to increase access to financing for SMEs by 3.5% annually.

Before the representatives of the private sector, Sheinbaum reiterated that the treaty between Mexico, the United States, and Canada (USMCA) will be maintained as it benefits the three countries in terms of employment, economic growth, and regional markets. She also pointed out that the relationship between these nations is the only way in which the region can compete against China.

“It has proven to be one of the best trade agreements in history (...) Furthermore, it is the only way in which we can compete with Asian countries, particularly with China,” she explained.

Minister of Economy Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon said that Plan Mexico is the road map for the new era and pointed out that it is a unique instrument of its kind, which was promoted by President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

“Of the 42 years that I have been in public service, it is the only instrument that I have seen emerge so soon, almost dictated by the President. She remembers all the figures, she has corrected most of our goals, she has asked us details that sometimes are not even knowledgeable about. So, it has been a very pleasant experience to participate with her in the preparation of this document, which I thank her for and appreciate very much (...) There are uncertainties in the immediate future, but if we are united and we have a national leadership like the one we have, friends, we are going to move forward”,

Minister of Finance Rogelio Ramírez de la O explained that Plan Mexico is proposed within the framework marked by China having increased its share of world trade from 2000 to 2023, by 3.2 trillion dollars, with which its share of exports grew by 11.8 percentage points. In this same period, the North American region lost an important share in such exports, which represented 21.8 billion dollars.

Ramírez pointed out that China has accounted for 25 percent of world growth, at a rate that in 20 years could account for 32 percent of the total, while North America could represent 23 percent. He stressed that Mexico’s deficit with China rose from -76 billion dollars in 2018 to -105 billion dollars in 2023.

Given this panorama, the Minister of Finance pointed out that if 10 percent of China’s exports to North America were replaced with products from within the region, Mexico’s GDP would grow 1.2 percent, that of the US, 0.8 percent, and that of Canada, 0.2 percent.

The coordinator of the Regional Economic Development and Nearshoring Advisory Council (CADERR), Altagracia Gómez Sierra, expressed her conviction that Mexico will move forward in 2025 because she is aware of the capacity, commitment and preparation of the President and because she is certain that Mexican businessmen and women know how to overcome challenges.

“We need them and we ask them for three things: One, to think and act big, this plan is made for that. Two, a request to work together with all of you to implement the National Industrialization Strategy, which promotes fair trade, protects workers in Mexico, encourages production with a higher local and regional content, and of course with more added value, and that we wager on regional integration. Three, and most importantly, that they trust Mexico. To invest, better in Mexico; to produce, better in Mexico; to consume, better in Mexico; if they want to vacation, better in Mexico; to study, better in Mexico; to work, better in Mexico. With Plan Mexico, the invitation is to choose Mexico today, it is the only bet that in the long term will never make you lose,” she said.

The presentation of Plan Mexico was attended by Minister of the Interior Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, Minister of National Defense General Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, Minister of the Navy Admiral Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles, Minister of Security and Citizen Protection Omar García Harfuch, Minister of Health David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz, Minister of Public Education Mario Delgado, Minister of Well-Being Ariadna Montiel Reyes, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Marath Baruch Bolaños López, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Minister of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development Edna Elena Vega Rangel, Minister of Tourism Josefina Rodríguez Zamora, the head of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency José Antonio Peña Merino; the head of the Office of the Presidency Lázaro Cárdenas Batel, and the head of Mexico’s National Customs Agency General André Georges Foullon Van Lissum. Also in attendance were representatives of the national private sector and the Ministries of Economic Development of the country’s 32 states.

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