Government of Mexico concerned about new anti-immigrant law, now in Iowa
Senate File 2340 initiative approved, allowing arrests and deportations of undocumented individuals. They will explore legal resources for the defense of nationals: MFA
The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), expresses its concern about the recent approval of the Senate File 2340 initiative in the state of Iowa, which will come into effect on July 1. This legislation will classify undocumented re-entry or remaining in the state after denial of immigration relief as a felony.
The law - the Foreign Ministry points out in a statement - seeks the criminalization of the migrant population, as it will allow local and state law enforcement officers to arrest immigrants for undocumented stay, and enables state judges to order deportations.
Through its consular representation in Iowa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be vigilant to respond to any violations and noted that, as it has done in the face of similar initiatives, it will explore legal resources that contribute to the defense of the rights of Mexican individuals in the state.
Consulate, safe space.
Through the Consulate of Mexico in Omaha, prevention and information measures have been implemented so that Mexican individuals in the state are aware of their rights, and what consular assistance and legal advice tools they can turn to.
They will double their meetings with allied authorities and civil rights organizations to reinforce their presence in the state, provide free legal advice through the lawyers of the External Legal Advisory Program (PALE), and carry out, with the support of local allies, free migrant diagnostic sessions.
The Mexican community can contact the Mexican Information and Assistance Center (CIAM) 24 hours a day, where they will find official, safe, and reliable information about this legislation and the consular services and actions we provide.
These are the contact details of the consular representation of Mexico in Omaha, which serves nationals in the States of Nebraska and Iowa.
Address: 7444 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68114
Telephone numbers for protection of Mexicans:
(402) 595 1862
(402) 595 1863
(402) 312 5006
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