Oklahoma Approves Anti-Immigrant Law to Take Effect on July 1st
Mexico has expressed its concern over HB4156 Law and will strengthen its consular protection services
This Tuesday, the Republican governor of Oklahoma, Kevin Stitt, enacted House Bill 4156, which creates the state crime of "impermissible occupation," sanctioning individuals who intentionally enter the United States without permission and remain in the state of Oklahoma without the corresponding immigration authorization, with penalties of up to two years in prison.
The Mexican Foreign Ministry adds that this measure will allow the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to gather and retain data from detained and prosecuted individuals, to cross-reference them with state or federal databases, and incorporates a preventive clause that prohibits any municipality in Oklahoma from declaring itself a "sanctuary city," affecting the possibility of shelter for migrant individuals.
In his press release, Governor Stitt of Oklahoma describes this Law as a security and protection measure for the inhabitants of that state due to the lack of border control by President Joe Biden and clarifies that it is not a law of racial profiling.
"My only goal is to protect the four million inhabitants of Oklahoma, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or heritage. I love the Hispanic community of Oklahoma and want to ensure that all law-abiding citizens have the opportunity to pursue the American dream. Let me be clear: there is zero tolerance for racism or discrimination against any community in our state. I want our Hispanic community to be assured that this law does not grant law enforcement the authority to profile individuals or question them about their immigration status without reasonable suspicion of a crime."
For its part, the Government of Mexico issued a statement expressing its concern over the approval of this Law and added that the Consulate of Mexico in Oklahoma has maintained constant communication with the state government to convey our country's position on these types of measures that criminalize the migrant community. Additionally, Mexico contributed to the creation of the Oklahoma State Work Permit and Visa Task Force to create employment opportunities and increase the workforce.
"This group consists of nine members, including the Consul of Mexico in Oklahoma, and aims to produce a report that presents an analysis of the situation regarding the migrant working community and possible solutions."
According to the United States Census Bureau, the Latino population in Oklahoma represents 11.9% of the total inhabitants of the state, which amounts to almost 4 million people, making it the second-largest population group, surpassing Native Americans.
This Law adds to a series of Republican initiatives across the country, such as SB4 Law in Texas, which seek to generate a discourse of criminalization of migration to impose "protection and security" measures on the population, as well as to question President Joe Biden's border control capability.
Suppose you have any doubts about the scope of this Law or require protection. In that case, you can go to the Consulate of Mexico located at 1131 W Sheridan Ave, in Oklahoma, or contact the Mexican Information and Assistance Center (CIAM) at (520) 623 78 74, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
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