This Sunday, choose your representative, choose your Migrant Deputy

Get to know the candidates from various parties. Inform yourself and cast a conscious vote. Fuerza Migrante offers a website where you can review the profiles of the candidates.


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If your place of origin is one of the states where, in this 2024 election, you can choose a migrant representative in addition to the presidential, gubernatorial, and local and federal legislative positions, don't miss the opportunity to elect someone who truly represents Mexicans like you, living abroad.


Nayarit, Zacatecas, Mexico City, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Tlaxcala, Guanajuato, and Jalisco are the entities with candidacies for this public election position, indicated Avelino Meza, Secretary General of Fuerza Migrante, a bipartisan binational movement. Fuerza Migrante has taken on the task of collecting data on the candidates from various political forces and makes it available to you through the following microsite.


To provide the community with greater insight into those who have been more engaged with Mexicans abroad, the profiles of the candidates include one of three different "badges": if they are recognized for their binational representation; if they have a commitment to the community's agenda; or if their community representation is not recognized.

"We need the political representation we choose to take our agenda seriously, address the needs of migrants, and promote it, not just push the party agenda," said Gilda Ontiveros, communications coordinator of Fuerza Migrante.


This agenda aims to outline the topics of interest to Mexicans residing abroad and our families in Mexico to the government at all levels.

"Identify and get to know the profiles; unfortunately, we have been fighting for political parties to nominate authentic candidates and representatives of the Mexican diaspora. We share the results of our research with you," reads the microsite.

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