Mexican Consulates in the U.S. offer support to trafficking victims
Public servants have the duty to act without prejudice, ensuring the human rights of victims. Free 24/7 helplines are available
Through their networks, various Mexican representations in the United States provide information to identify possible cases of human trafficking as well as resources for reporting them.
On the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, through various communications, they explain that this crime occurs when a person is deceived, forced, and often displaced from their place of origin or residence with the purpose of being exploited.
This exploitation can take various forms, including but not limited to sexual exploitation, forced labor, and even organ extraction.
People can be victims of trafficking without recognizing it or may be unable to report it or fearful to do so due to their immigration status, so combating this crime also depends on societies being able to identify and report it.
The Mexican representation in Dallas lists some circumstances that indicate a person might be a victim of trafficking:
- Their personal identification documents (passport, INE, consular ID) were retained.
- Their movement is restricted. That is, they are not allowed to leave home or are constantly monitored.
- They are subjected to physical or psychological abuse.
- They work in inhumane or exploitative conditions.
- The payment they receive for their work is minimal or nonexistent.
- They are not allowed to have communication with family or friends.
- They are forced to beg or sell products.
- They are forced into prostitution.
- They have been offered money in exchange for being an organ or tissue donor.
Other consulates, such as the one in Oxnard, call on the general public to help someone they know who cannot leave their job, has no control over their documents, receives little or no pay, or lives in unsanitary conditions by reporting the situation as they might be a victim of trafficking.
The Mexican representation in Austin shared a video about sexual exploitation, warning that in Mexico, 55.5% of human trafficking reports are for the purpose of sexual exploitation and calling on people not to hire such services as it fosters exploitation and complicity in this crime.
Furthermore, they reminded that reports are confidential and that public servants have the duty to act without prejudice, ensuring the human rights of victims.
What to do?
- You can call free of charge 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- United States: National Human Trafficking Hotline: +1 888 373 7888.
- Mexico: National Human Trafficking Hotline: 800 5533 000
- You can also call the Information and Assistance Center for Mexicans (CIAM) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive guidance and consular assistance: 520 623 7874
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