Jessie Vargas, the Boxing Champion Proud of His Mexican Heritage
Although he could have represented the United States, he chose to be part of the Mexican Olympic Team
Born in Los Angeles, California, to parents from Guerrero, two-time world boxing champion Jessie Vargas shares his story—a story of pride, hard work, triumph, and also solidarity and support aimed at guiding young men and women toward winning the championship of life.
Entering professional boxing at 19, the Mexican-American fighter has dedicated part of his earnings and energy to support gyms with equipment (gloves, money, headgear, shoes, etc.) to help them grow, giving children and youth a chance to start in the sport, build a career, or simply stay involved in something positive.
“When I go to gyms and see young people hungry, driven, and full of energy, it brings me joy. It reminds me of my own time, when I was in that position. I took it very seriously, always giving my all there, in the gym, to show I was the best. When I see that competitive spirit, it makes me happy.”
But it’s not just about becoming professional boxers or champions.
“Now, I also see other young people having a good time with friends, and that’s okay too. I always say that young people need the information to become champions—not champions in boxing, but champions in life.”
They need to know how to do things right, earn their money, be responsible, and respect themselves and others, he emphasizes.
Good Things Come at a High Cost
Vargas began his athletic journey at a very young age. At eight, he first tried soccer but said, “Enough of this, too much running,” and left it behind. Then he spent four brief months in taekwondo, advancing from a white to a yellow belt, but was disappointed because it was all technique and little combat. He finally found his way to boxing.
“…I wanted to know how to defend myself, so my father took me to boxing. I tried it, and I liked it a lot; it fascinated me. The reason is that in boxing, it’s ‘one-on-one.’ It’s you and your opponent, and you have to figure out what they’re going to do, how to bring them down, how to win with each hit. I thought, ‘This is for me,’” Vargas recalls.
Eager to succeed, motivated, and committed, his love for boxing was just the beginning.
“My father motivated me. He bought me a biography of Julio César Chávez. I read his whole story, everything he achieved. That was back in ‘95, ‘96, and I thought, ‘I want everything he achieved.’”
But he assures us that good things come at a high cost: “a lot of time, hard work, sacrifice, and discipline. It’s not easy.”
In an interview with Antonio Anistro for El Heraldo USA, Jessie explains how the result of that hard work allowed him to fulfill his dream of representing Mexico in the 2008 pre-Olympics.
I Have Mexican Blood, Guerrero Blood
“Since I was a kid, I wanted to represent Mexico because I was a
lways very proud of where I came from, of my roots… representing Mexico in the pre-Olympics was a great honor,” he says.
Jessie had the opportunity to join the U.S. team but turned it down.
“They did something to me in the U.S. that I didn’t like, so I decided to go to Mexico. Then, the U.S. Olympic team told me that the guy going to nationals couldn’t go, and they wanted me to go instead… but I told them no—‘I don’t want to; I want to represent Mexico.’ I went and beat the U.S. guy,” he says proudly.
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