Dates to Keep in Mind When Migrating Your FINABIEN USA Account
Balances of those who do not renew their account will be sent via check
Users of the FINABIEN USA card must complete their account migration before September 30, as Broxel—the technology partner that enables the issuance of Financiera para el Bienestar cards in the United States—has changed its banking partner from Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB) to Pathward®, National Association. As a result, Financiera para el Bienestar accounts issued by MCB in the U.S. will be closed.
Although these changes have been previously announced and are being consistently reminded through various channels such as emails, push notifications, and the Financiera para el Bienestar app with clear instructions on how to open the new account, Carlos Marrón, Broxel USA representative, urged citizens to pay attention to the notifications and complete this transition as soon as possible. He reminded them that there are deadlines for using the previous accounts and cards.
During a webinar as part of National Financial Education Week, hosted by the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IMME) in coordination with the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (Condusef), Marrón specified that starting October 4, users will no longer be able to reload the card or make deposits to the previous card, and as of October 8, they will no longer be able to send money or make withdrawals.
The current cards are active and can continue to be used for purchases and deposits, etc., until the first week of October, while the new cards and accounts can start being used from October 10."
If, for any reason, a current FINABIEN account holder in the U.S. decides not to update or renew their account, they will be sent a check with the balance as of the account closure date to the address on record. Therefore, Marrón emphasized the importance of updating the address via the app if there has been any change in residence.
Here are some of the benefits of migrating the accounts:
To access these benefits, you must switch your account from September 1 to 30 via the Finabien USA app, already installed on mobile devices. The process is quick; you just need to update your details and provide the address where the new card will be sent, free of charge, within 5 to 7 business days.
To encourage swift account migration, Broxel is offering individuals who complete the process by September 15 a $25 bonus, once the process is approved, as well as the chance to win VIP tickets to the 2026 World Cup.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this change affect the use of the Financiera para el Bienestar card in Mexico?
No, the Mexican card is not affected. This change only refers to the U.S. cards.
Do I need to download a new app?
No, the app is the same: Financiera para el Bienestar USA.
Is the card program still the same?
Yes, the continuity of the "Remesa Paisano" program is fully guaranteed.
Can I request my new account after September 30?
The last day to switch to the new account is September 30. If you miss this deadline or if your request is not approved by that date, your current Financiera para el Bienestar account issued by MCB will be closed on October 8, and any remaining balance will be sent to you by check via postal mail. After this date, you will not be able to use your card or log into the app, as your user information and password will be deleted. However, don't worry! You can open a new account starting October 10, where you will need to start your registration from scratch.
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