Incredible! This is how mushroom energy sounds
A researcher developed a device that measures electrical tension
Have you ever wondered what plant energy sounds like? What about mushrooms? A researcher and expert in plant music known on TikTok as madisagromusic developed a device that makes it possible to hear what it sounds like and decided to test it on various foods, one of which was mushrooms, and this was the result.
The video has already garnered over 700,000 views due to its surprising revelation, as the sound it emits is truly astonishing, almost magical. Although one user commented that she thought it would only work while they were alive in the ground, the researcher explained that as long as they have water inside them, they will produce sound because the device measures electrical tension.
VIDEO: This is what a mushroom sounds like
The researcher, who has more than eight thousand followers on TikTok, explained that the device she uses was developed by herself and that she will make a public presentation in a few months. Another user commented that now they will feel bad eating any fruit or vegetable, but she responded that they should simply ask for permission to help nourish their body, and the plants would be happy to help.
The researcher has also tested her device on living beings such as puppies and other plants like rosemary. She also promised that she will soon use it on hallucinogenic mushrooms, among others. There are over 300 species of mushrooms in Mexico.
Mushrooms usually grow among wood remains, tree leaves, and other organic compounds, as well as in humid, shaded places with some warmth.
There are more than 300 edible species in Mexico that are collected in forested areas between July and September, which is the rainy season. Although their consumption dates back thousands of years, mushrooms began to be cultivated in Mexico in the 1940s, but it has only been perfected in the last couple of decades.
The mushroom is the most produced and consumed species of fungi in Mexico and the world, followed by the oyster mushroom, which is slowly gaining popularity due to its larger size and the advantage that its cultivation can utilize the waste from other agricultural activities.
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