From Tijuana to Tapachula, Your Business Can Be Part of El Buen Fin
Registration to join the commercial platform is open until November 14. The goal is to boost local economies
The El Buen Fin commercial initiative, held annually in Mexico to promote responsible consumption through discounts and flexible purchase conditions, invites small, medium, and large business owners nationwide to join and showcase their products, especially authentically Mexican ones.
Octavio de la Torre de Stéffano, president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services, and Tourism, said the fourteenth edition of this commercial event aims to strengthen local economies in communities across Mexico significantly.
“We want to make this a truly Mexican El Buen Fin and showcase the best of our country”, he added. To achieve this, the event works closely with the Secretaries of Economic Development in each locality with “brand-state” labels to promote items authentically made in Mexico.
De la Torre invited restaurant owners, transport providers, doctors, small eateries, toy shops, travel agencies, schools, department stores, and anyone with an economic activity to participate.
He reminded business owners that they have until the end of the day on November 14 to register on the platforms and, where they can display offers and promotions to reach more customers. Shoppers can also download the El Buen Fin mobile app, a tool to locate stores and services and access special offers and information for safe shopping.
He emphasized that this is an opportunity to drive local economic growth, bring prosperity to everyone, and support Mexico’s development.
The confederation, he noted, represents 4.8 million entrepreneurs, primarily family-owned businesses in commerce, services, and tourism, which form the tertiary sector and contributed 66% of the GDP in 2023, as well as 7 out of every 10 formal jobs.
The economic impact of the 2024 edition is estimated to reach 165 billion pesos, 10% more than the 2023 edition, with the participation of 190,000 businesses.
The goal, he reiterated, is to stimulate domestic consumption in our communities, support local commerce, and strengthen small and medium-sized businesses that are the heart of our country’s economic development and, now more than ever, need protection and support.
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