Fuerza Migrante Calls for a Binational Dialogue Following Trump’s Victory
Mexican Government Confident in Migration Collaboration. Claudia Sheinbaum: If Problems Arise, “We Will Face Them”
The migrant community living in the United States faces a climate of fear and uncertainty as Donald Trump’s arrival to the U.S. presidency approaches. In response, the binational movement Fuerza Migrante emphasizes the urgent need for the country to pursue a fair, humane, and thorough immigration reform that guarantees the rights of immigrants who have lived in the shadows for years, paying taxes, creating businesses and actively contributing to the nation’s development.
In the document, the group urges the Mexican government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and all institutions responsible for assisting the Mexican community to act to protect their migrant community in the face of impending changes to U.S. immigration policy. A more efficient and well-prepared binational response mechanism is needed, the statement points out.
The organization calls on authorities to promptly establish a binational dialogue to address this issue.
“Immigrants are essential to the economic development of the U.S., and their legalization is vital for a prosperous future,” it emphasized.
The upcoming administration, it added, has a historic opportunity to demonstrate visionary and inclusive leadership for its supporters and all Americans who demand a government that listens, respects, and responds to every sector of society.
Fuerza Migrante committed to collaborating constructively with the new administration to address the priorities of the Latino community, urging them to be aware of their rights.
Fuerza Migrante also called for strengthening collective resilience and unity among Mexican organizations, immigrant rights advocacy groups, activists, and primarily Latino immigrants.
“The election results will bring significant changes for the Latino community, not only in the United States but throughout the Americas. However, as we have shown, regardless of our status, the immigrant community is stronger than any challenge.”
There is a Strategy and Dialogue with the U.S.: Sheinbaum
During the morning press conference on November 7, President Claudia Sheinbaum was asked about statements from experts who foresee a migration crisis and about campaign promises by candidate Trump regarding immigration and border closures, which are seen as more than mere rhetoric and should be taken seriously.
In response, the president stated that Mexico has a comprehensive migration strategy that includes rescuing migrants in adverse situations, supporting young people in Central America so they do not have to leave their countries, incorporating migrants in Mexico into the labor market, and renewing the National Institute of Migration.
In addition to the strategy, she highlighted that there is dialogue with the United States and President Trump to establish a collaborative process. “And if not, we will face it,” she stressed. “We are prepared.”
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